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4th J3D seminar report

4th J3D Research Seminar April, 8,2016

Opening remarks


1. Review the academic papers of 3D printers and medical 3D model

"Cardiovascular 3D model review"
Ehime University School of Medicine Radiology 
A.Kurata, MD


2. The Basic cardiovascular 3D modeling technology

"Advances in clinical 3D model in Cardiovascular Surgery" 
Kansairosai Hospital  Cardiovascular Surgery  
T.Shirakawa, MD​

"The coloring  and texture mapping of cardiac 3D models"
Sakurabashi Watanabe Hospital, Radiology and Cardiology 
Y.Koyama, MD

☕ Dinner and Coffee Break ☕

Model presentation of exhibited models 

3. The clinical diagnosis and treatment 


"The initial experience of selective coronary angiography on coronary artery prototype 3D model

-IVUS · CTA · PCI using flow generator-"

Sakurabashi Watanabe Hospital, Radiology and Cardiology 

Y.Koyama, MD, ​K.Kawamura RT, Y.Takayama RT.

"Adult congenital heart disease and academic report from the American College of Cardiology (ACC) 2016"
Okayama University School of Medicine, Cardiology, 
T.Miyoshi, MD


"Contrast protocol for 3D modeling: pediatric cardiac CT"

Ehime University School of Medicine Radiology 

A.Kurata, MD

4.  New information abot 3D printer.

"The middle grade 3D modeling on Form2"
President of L& L Co., Ltd.   K.Tsutsumi 

5. J3D report and plan


Sakurabashi Watanabe Hospital, Radiology and Cardiology 
Y.Koyama, MD

Closing remarks

Exhibited models 

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